Thursday, 27 September 2012

Lamb Steak

For Hayato's 32 Birthday, we decided to eat Lamb. I had never really thought I would have served Lamb on my table, but it happened. Lamb is always so stinky, too animalish flavour, and scared to make our body smell bad. Forget about it. Good lamb do good.

Both of us, Hayato and I are getting more simple life. We tend to like more simple stuff, like good white shirt and piano music.
So as our taste of food.
Finding a good butcher is one thing.
Cooking with only salt and pepper is another thing that we ended up with.

We bought good red lamb chop, blue camenbert and a bottle of red Sant-Emilion. Of course my home baked bread to along with.

Lamb shouldn't cook too long otherwise it ruin the whole balance of flavours and stiffen the structure.
So, only with very high heat of pan, caramelise the surface.
Voala, the very juicy Lamb steak.

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